Friday, January 20, 2017

New Thing 20, New Thing Every Day: Buy My First Cane

Would you believe I have been using a cane for maybe three years and I have never bought one for myself? Here is my very first one.

Here are 10+ things about today's New Thing.
  1. Due to my MS, my mobility started to deteriorate long ago, and started to get bad enough that I needed a cane maybe three years ago.
  2. The real reason I first started using a cane was not so much that I really needed it to get around; it was primarily because I did not want people to think I was drunk. The cane sent the signal that it was something else.
  3. Leigh got me my very first cane, a wooden one with a black leather handle, and I still use it.
  4. Since that first one, I probably have a dozen now.
  5. The cane I probably use the most has a lacquered deer or elk horn as the handle. It was made by a local artist and is super cool.
  6. Since I have become a daily wheelchair user over the last year or so, I always keep a collapsible cane around so I can get out of the chair and walk when I can.
  7. Part of me always worries that people are going to see me walking and think I am faking needing the chair.
  8. The cane I bought today came from the Midway Truck Stop.
  9. Originally, I had gone to Midway to do a different New Thing, but they did not have what I needed.
  10. The one cane I really wish I had is the sword cane that my dad always kept at my grandmother's house when I was growing up. My sister has it!

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