Monday, January 2, 2017

Day 2, New Thing Every Day: Get Rid of Three Things I Never Use

Boy, this was a lot harder for me than some might think. Partly, it was difficult because most of the crap we have and don't use is either in the basement or on the second floor of our house, and I do not go to either of those places because of my mobility issues. Looking at the parts of the house I actually live in, Leigh keeps everything really clean and there just is not much around that we do not use. The only place that is completely my responsibility is my home office, and it turns out I actually do a pretty decent job of getting rid of things if I am not going to use them anymore (except for papers -- jeez Louise, there is an awful lot of paper in my office).

Thankfully, I did not say I would "Get Rid of 10 Things I Never Use". That would hav been pretty close to impossible. I did find three, though, and they are pictured here -- two old laptops and a box of blank CD's. Yes, I am taking all three to recycling this week.

Have an awesome day!

Sean Spence

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