Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Thing 10, New Thing Every Day: Mail Someone a Ball

The two ladies at Send a Ball.
Some time ago, I was watching an episode of Shark Tank (you know, that show where really rich people invest in business ideas), and I saw a business that sends big rubber balls to people in the mail. Seriously: big, inflated rubber balls with no packaging of any kind and the address just written on them. It looked so fun, and I knew I would eventually have to send a ball to someone (for goodness sake, it costs just $20.99!).

It took my New Thing Every Day project to get me to actually pull the trigger, and, as of a few minutes ago, I have visited sendaball.com  and sent someone a ball.

I gave the recipient a lot of thought. Of course, my first thought was my wife -- and that will still probably happen at some point -- but I decided I should send it to someone who really needs a day brightener. It took a lot of thinking but I feel like I chose exactly the right someone. No, I am not going to say who it is here but, trust me, I sent it to someone who really could use a big rubber ball and hopefully a little smile.

Have an awesome rest of your day!

- sean

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