Tuesday, February 21, 2017

New Thing 52, New Thing Every Day: Go to Craft Beer Cellar (Columbia, MO)

Tonight, with the Columbia Chamber Ambassadors, I went to Craft Ber Cellar for the first time.

Here are 10+ things about the experience.
  1. Craft Beer Cellar is a pretty new chain. As you might guess, they serve craft beers.
  2. It is extremely not accessible.
  3. Jan Beckett talked me into getting the chocolate creme' brule' stout.
  4. Drinking chocolate creme' brule' stout, by the way, is another first.
  5. It seems that cheeto puffs and peanuts are the only food they serve.
  6. They do, however, allow people to bring in their own food.
  7. They seem to have some sort of relationship with Harold's donuts that involves pairing special beers with specific donuts.
  8. There are a lot of people who seem to really like Harold's. I am not one of them.
  9. The best thing about Craft Beer Cellar is that it used to be Shattered. 
  10. I miss Shattered.

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