Sunday, February 12, 2017

New Thing 43, New Thing Every Day: Make a list of 10 Businesses I Want to Start

As most folks who know me are aware, I like to start businesses. I have started a few that have done well, and a few that have really not. I have one right now, EveryEventGives, that is doing well and that I think will be a big success for me (we'll see!).

I like to think of myself as a serial entrepreneur and, over the course of my life, I suspect I will start at least a few more (again, under the assumption that they could just as easily succeed or fail).

Today, I made a list of 10 businesses I would like to start, something I have never done before. One is actually moving forward a bit, a few have been knocking around in my brain for a while, and the rest are totally new to me. We'll see how it all goes!

Here is my list.
  1. Brainstorming software
  2. Processor for non-profit contributions
  3. For-profit business incubator
  4. For-profit angel investment fund
  5. Restaurant
  6. Printed publication
  7. Facebook/LinkedIn for business women
  8. Crowdsourced copy editing
  9. Happiness consulting/content company.
  10. Incubator for writers.

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