Friday, February 17, 2017

New Thing 48, New Thing Every Day: Road Trip to Arkansas

After driving for most of the day, Leigh and I are in Little Rick, AR. I have never set foot in the state before and am excited to try out a new state.

Here are 10 things about the trip (so far).
  1. Wish we could have brought Ellie, but she gets to play with her friends all weekend at South Paw Acres, so it is a pretty good deal for her. She loves it there.
  2. We really need to revisit the route for the trip back. We spent an awful lot of time on two-lane roads and I feel like maybe we did something wrong.
  3. Yes, we took Leigh's new car. Yes, she was very excited.
  4. We stopped for lunch in Springfield, where I Googled and found what turned out to be an incredibly tasty Peruvian restaurant. I definitely recommend Cafe Cusco.
  5. For my lunch, I had some traditional Incan dish, dating back to before the Spanish occupation -- pork, potatoes, spinach, in some sort of beet sauce (in a lot of Peruvian dishes). It was totally freaking awesome.
  6. Leigh was tired and I drove from Springfield to the hotel in Little Rock. If we did anything wrong with the route, this would definitely be the root of the problem.
  7. We were under serious pressure to get settled into the hotel by 6:00 so Leigh could buy our True/False tickets. She ended up having to do it in the lobby, before we actually checked in. You really have to be like that if you want to see everything you want, and we are kind of hard core about that.
  8. Leigh got in a pretty god nap between Springfield and Little Rock.
  9. One of the best things about the new car is the Bluetooth that lets us listen to things on our phones, because we really like podcasts. That definitely helped pass the six hours.
  10. The best thing about any road trip is just spending the time with Leigh, just us.

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