Saturday, February 18, 2017

New Thing 49, New Thing Every Day: Visit the Clinton Presidential Library

There are 13 Presidential Libraries and I have now been to five of them (Clinton, Johnson, Lincoln, Truman, and Carter). Later in the year, as one of my New Things, we are going to the Eisenhower, and I am really looking forward to it. I will eventually make it to all of them.

Here are 10+ things about my trip to the Clinton Library.
  1. Having been to five of the Presidential Libraries now, I can tell you that it is pretty much impossible to not gain a new appreciation for a President, after visiting his library. I think everyone should visit all the libraries from the last 75 years or so, just for a little perspective.
  2. Ellie ate the hat I bought at the LBJ Library and I am still a little bitter about it. That was a great hat.
  3. The building was beautiful, built on a reclaimed toxic dump site.
  4. It is the first federal building to have received platinum certification for green building.
  5. Clinton's restaurant was the best of the one's I have tried. Go, and get the brisket sandwich.
  6. There were two big video displays of what Bill and Chelsea are doing now, but not one for Hillary. That was a little weird.
  7. My favorite part was the pictures from the 1992 campaign.
  8. Not a lot of attention given to Monica.
  9. There are thousands and thousands of boxes filled with letters and documents related to requests for help, from when Bill was President. Apparently, these represent 2-3% of his Presidential archives.
  10. There was a special exhibit about the Beatles, which I enjoyed as much as I did the rest of the library/museum.

Walking Abbey Road, as part of the temporary Beatles exhibit at the Clinton Library.

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