Monday, February 13, 2017

New Thing 44, New Thing Every Day: Watch Raging Bull

SPOILERS! Read at your own risk!

I was mostly working at home today, mostly working, and Raging Bull was on HBO on Demand, so I took the opportunity to watch it. For years, I have meant to watch it, and now I have.

Here is my list of 10+ things about watching Raging Bull.

  1. The way DeNiro got in shape and then gained so much weight was amazing commitment.
  2. DeNiro actually fought in three professional fights to get ready for the role, winning two.
  3. Joe Pesci was so perfect to play LaMotta’s brother.
  4. Jake LaMotta really was a jerk. Apparently seeing the movie convinced him of that.
  5. Scorsese sure loves the mafia.
  6. Another American tragedy, showing that, so often, our greatness is matched by or weakness.
  7. Jealousy seems like I really pointless emotion to me.
  8. Everybody wants to be a comedian.
  9. So glad Vicki finally left him.
  10. Also glad that he and his brother made up.
  11. Joe Pesci is so awesome.

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