Monday, May 8, 2017

New Thing 126, New Thing Every Day: Make a list of Charity Events I Might Create

Over the course of my life, I have created many, many fundraising events. A lot of those were pretty ordinary receptions or banquets or galas or whatever, and some have been way out of the ordinary. Today I made a list of eight events I might want to create at some point in the future; a few of them are actually already being planned or considered for later in the year. Creating the list was very fun, and now I feel like all of them will get done sooner rather than later.
  • Wheelchair-a-thon
  • Eating contest
  • Pop-Up Restaurant
  • VIP Talent Auction
  • City-wide team weight loss competition
  • City-wide scavenger hunt
  • Board game night
  • Ping pong tournament

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