Saturday, May 6, 2017

New Thing 124, New Thing Every Day: Try Salted Caramel Baileys

Sometimes, the beauty of a New Thing is that it just nudges me to step out of the box that we all let ourselves get into from time to time. In my case, I drink a good bit of Baileys (which is to say, maybe six bottles a year), but I have never had any flavor except for the original. Today, I tried Salted Caramel for the first time. Now, I should disclose that I was born without a sense of smell, so I am sure my sense of taste is less sensitive than the average person; but whatever the reason, I really can't tell any real difference between Salted Caramel and regular Baileys. I lie it, though, and am happy to bring my evening to a close with a glass of it.

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