Tuesday, May 2, 2017

New Thing 120, New Thing Every Day: Try Kimchi

This is going to sound silly, but I am in the process of making kimchi, and had never actually had any. It occurred to me today that I would not know if I had made it correctly if I had never tasted it, so I made remedying the situation my New Thing for the day.

Opening it was the first part of this little adventure. Apparently the fermentation of kimchi can cause quite a lot of pressure to build. As soon as I started to remove the lid from the mason jar, kimchi juice started spraying everywhere, and continued to spray for maybe 30 seconds. It was like I had shaken up a soda and loosened the cap.

After cleaning up the kimchi mess, I tried it. It was fine. Not horrible. Not particularly tasty. Just fine. Now, when mt batch is done, I will know if I did it right.

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