Wednesday, July 26, 2017

New Thing 204, New Thing Every Day: List Ways I Waste Time

Over the course of my life, I have spent a great deal of time and effort to make myself more productive, and this includes finding ways to waste as little time as possible. Oddly, with all of the reading and thinking and eliminating ways that I waste time, I have never sat and made a list. Without a list, how could I ever address whatever issues remain.

So, today I sat and made my list. I started by just thinking about it, and that took care of most of it, and then I read a few different articles on the Web to help me get more ideas.

I consider myself fairly productive, so the list is short, but it is long enough, and the things on it are important.

Here they are:

1.              Watching TV
2.              Mindlessly surfing the Internet
3.              Taking too long to do things
4.              Procrastinating
5.              Driving unproductively
6.              Mismanagement of e-mail
7.              Looking for things I have misplaced
8.              Not prioritizing my time enough
9.         Doing things that are not the most important

What are the ways that you waste time? What are you going to do about it?

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