Sunday, July 16, 2017

New Thing 194, New Thing Every Day: Eat for a Day Without Utensils

One of my wiseacre friends suggested this back when I was creating the original list of New Things to do and I was not sure it would actually happen, but here it is! The fact is that it has actually been kind of interesting.

Here are a few thoughts from a day of eating without utensils.
  1. It really made me think about what I would be eating.
  2. There was something I had been looking forward to having for lunch that I ad to put off to another day, just because it would have been too messy (portabello mushrooms in curry sauce).
  3. More than once, I started to eat something with a fork and stopped myself before I blew it.
  4. Leigh reminded me that a straw would count as a utensil, just in time, and I had to drink smoothies without one.

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