Monday, December 25, 2017

New Thing 354, New Thing Every Day: Visit the Commemorative Confederacy Statue in My Home Town

Apparently this statue has been prominently displayed in my hometown for a very long time and I just never realized it. Somehow I saw on the Internet that it was here, so I decided it was time to check it out. Leigh, Clark and I went; it is directly in front of the main entry to our small town courthouse. We read the plaque to see who it is and it was of a specific person, of course, but it was dedicated in the name of all fallen Confederate soldiers.

Personally, I find this sort of thing offensive, but I am conflicted about the removal of statues and other artifacts like this. On one hand, I don't think we should sweep our history under the carpet; on the other, I do not want to honor that which I find despicable. One more complicated issue with which to wrestle.

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