Monday, December 25, 2017

New Thing 353, New Thing Every Day: Register for Ancestry Genetic Testing

[Did it yesterday; posted today.]

Most of us probably started seeing ads about easy ancestry testing a year or two ago. I did not think much about it for quite a while, but it has really hit my radar over the last month or two, and now I have finally pulled the trigger. The company 23andMe seems to be the leading, simplest way to do this, so I have registered to get a kit.

Apparently, what will happen now is that I will get a container in the mail, I will spit in it and return it, and a week or so later I will get a report that explains my ancestry. It will be a little surprising if I am surprised by what I find, but that would be cool. Today, I think I am one of the whitest people on the planet, with the vast majority of my heritage coming from western Europe, mostly England and Ireland. But who knows? Soon, we will, and I will share what I learn.

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