Thursday, November 30, 2017

New Thing 329, New Thing Every Day: Hold the first HerTomorrow Silver Event

I think we are changing the name, but HerTomorrow Silver is the HerTomorrow event that focuses on the lives of women over 50. Anyone can attend, but the speakers fit that demographic and, of course, they speak from that perspective. Unlike our big events, this one was a mini-event, lasting 90 minutes instead of four hours.

It really was a great event, hosted by Americare's Mill Creek Village (a senior living facility). We had three speakers -- Carolyn Paris, Muriel Battle Browder, and Ann Merrifield. All three were so great, carrying on the tradition that HerTomorrow is building.

I am not 100% sure what we will call it, but we will absolutely continue having HerTomorrow Silver events.

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