Sunday, November 5, 2017

New Thing 306, New Thing Every Day: Take a Leave of Absence from Rotary

I have been a relatively active member of Rotary for the better part of 17 years. My dad was a member for 20 years. One of my brothers is still a member and has been for over 30 years -- he has been president of his club and is on the path to being governor for the Orlando district (a pretty big one). It is obviously an important family tradition and it has been very important to me over many years, but it is time to take  break. Over 2018, I am launching two national programs and trying to do a variety of other things, and I just have to let something go. Sadly, Rotary is it, and I am officially taking a leave of absence. Hopefully, I will rejoin and make an even bigger contribution after 2018.

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