Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Thing 309, New Thing Every Day: Buy a Car in Another City, Found on the Internet

[Did this yesterday; posted today.]

It has been over 10 years since I bought a car, and I am not sure it was even possible to buy one over the Internet then. This time, I searched with several sites for cars within 150 miles and found one I really liked, at the price we wanted, in Sedalia. Bizarrely, I was actually scheduled to spend the day speaking at a conference in Sedalia yesterday -- I basically never go there -- so I went to the dealership when I was done, bought the car, and a couple of their guys followed me home to deliver it.

The car is a 2015 Toyota RAV4 Limited (the first foreign car I have ever bought, after years of refusing -- yes, I have accepted globalism). Except for the convertible Mustang GT I had for years, it is absolutely the nicest car I have ever owned and I am pretty excited about it.

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