Tuesday, October 31, 2017

New Thing 301, New Thing Every Day: Go to Barnes & Noble and Hide Positive Affirmation Notes in Self-Help Books

This is something I have been planning since the earliest stages of the New Thing project. Honestly, I am not sure where I got the idea -- probably read it somewhere -- but it got even better when my friend Sherry Major gave me one of those desk calendars with a different sheet for each day. The pages have lists of things that make people happy -- Autumn leaves and that sort of thing -- and I thought they would be the perfect vehicle for the positive notes.

So after work today I took 10 of those calendar sheets and wrote a short note on each of them, "Spend your day thinking happy thoughts. You are awesome."

It was actually a little extra fun because the self-help section is right next to a storage closet where lots of staff were working, just a few feet away from me. I had to be very surreptitious to make sure nobody spotted me spreading happy thoughts; obviously, they would have kicked me out.

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