Wednesday, August 30, 2017

New Thing 239, New Thing Every Day: Eat Nothing But a Bunch of Radishes for Dinner

Alright, so this New Thing is a little weird, but it is true, so what the heck? As a reminder, I have radically changed the way I eat, not to lose weight, but for an MS treatment. And, yes, major weight loss is a side-effect, and I am beyond fine with that.

Any-hoo, there is a pretty specific combination of things I eat throughout the day -- pretty much entirely meat and vegetables -- and when dinner time rolled around, I had eaten just almost everything on y daily menu, except my third serving of sulfur-rich vegetables. Radishes are on the lsit of sulfur-rich vegetables, and I have several bags of them in the refrigerator, so that is what I had for dinner.

Yum! (or maybe not)

Oh, and this is also the first time I have ever used the term "any-hoo", so that could be my New Thing, as well.

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