Sunday, August 20, 2017

New Thing 229, New Thing Every Day: Do Two Wheelchair Laps on Cosmo Fitness Trail

For most of the year, as part of my project to get healthier, I have been exercising a decent amount. I lift weights M-W-F, and then I have been doing a lap around the fitness trail at Columbia's Cosmo Park most Saturday/Sundays (1.25 miles). Today, I finally bumped it up to two laps (2.5 miles).

Here are some things about it.

  1. My original plan had been to work up to the two laps in another three weeks, but I got up this morning and decided to push myself (no pun intended) to do it today.
  2. It looked like it would rain a little, and I almost skipped the track entirely, but I decided it would probably not rain a lot, and that a little bit would help me stay cool. It did work out that way.
  3. When I first started, it took me 45 minutes to do a lap. Today, it took me 40 minutes/lap to do two.
  4. Tom Trabue was doing a run and apparently does that regularly. He is looking great!
  5. Yes, now I have to do two laps each Saturday and Sunday.
  6. Next stop... three laps!

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