Thursday, August 10, 2017

New Thing 219, New Thing Every Day: Try an Online Artificial Intelligence Site

Lately, I am becoming more and more fascinated by the whole idea of artificial intelligence. Partly, I think that is because it is just cool; and it is also a little bit because I think there is a possibility that artificial intelligence will eventually spell the end of humanity. No, of course this does not occupy my mind in any kind of unhealthy way, and I do not have any substantial emotions about it, but people who are much smarter than I am are legitimately concerned about the issue (ex. Elon Musk, excellent Vanity Fair article about this, below).

With this in mind, I found a site on the Web that allowed me to have a conversation with a rudimentary AI entity, ALICE. It was not quite the same as chatting online with a person, but pretty close.

Here is the AI site --

Here is the Vanity Fair article --

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