Monday, August 21, 2017

New Thing 230, New Thing Every Day: See a Total Eclipse

Obviously, I do not need to say a lot about the fact that this was happening today. Here re some things I wrote down as it was happening.

  1. I did not really care about seeing it, but ended up going to Columbia's big event, and it really was amazing.
  2. There were some people with some incredibly cool telescopes.
  3. Chamber folks were driving around with free glasses. Pretty cool.
  4. There was a stage with excellent live music.
  5. CVB did such a good job. Yay, Amy Schneider and team!
  6. I ran into friends here and there.
  7. The organizers really did a great job with accessible parking.
  8. So glad the weather worked out.
  9. Only downside is Leigh was not with me. Every moment is better when I get to share it with her.
  10. An eclipse really must freak people out if they do not know what is happening.
  11. My first sight of significant coverage really was surprising and amazing.
  12. "It is getting darker..."
  13. Someone let me know my iPhone works in an eclipse and will not get damaged. So I took pictures, but they are not cool without a solar filter.
  14. There was some seriously freaky music playing from the stage at the end, kind of apocalyptic. Very appropriate and cool, though.

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