Tuesday, August 8, 2017

New Thing 217, New Thing Every Day: Make a List of Non-Profit Events I Want to Create

Over the years, I have created hundreds and hundreds of events, many of them completely original, many of them as non-profit fundraisers. In all that time, I have never sat and thought through a list of events I would like to create. So that is what I have done today. All of the events on my list could be non-profit fundraisers. A few, I really do not even know what they are; they are just ideas I have in my head that will likely develop into something real at some point.

Here you go.

·       3-on-3 basketball tournament
·       Wheelchair roll-a-thon
·       Pray-a-thon
·       Talent show
·       Major art museum dinner, in the museum
·       Museum slumber party
·       Camping event
·       Tree planting
·       Scavenger hunt
·       30-day Facebook event
·       Cooking event
·       Board game night

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