Friday, March 31, 2017

New Thing 88, New Thing Every Day: Make a List of 100+ Things that Make Me Happy

Here is my list, made over the course of the day. I added things as they came to mind, with no thought to priority or anything else. Creating the list really was a fun exercise, and kept my spirits particularly high all day long.

1.              People
2.              Puppies
3.              Ice cream
4.              Indian food
5.              Family
6.              Travel
7.              People I have not seen in a long time
8.              People I see all the time, and really like
9.              Dessert
10.           Dinner
11.           Learning things
12.           Challenging myself
13.           Dreaming
14.           Setting big goals
15.           Accomplishing things
16.           A job well done
17.           A freshly mowed lawn
18.           Old pictures
19.           Funny pictures
20.           Movies
21.           Books
22.           Really good comic books
23.           Pie
24.           Cake
25.           Cookies
26.           Stories
27.           Campfires
28.           Road trips
29.           Vacation
30.           Great restaurants
31.           Celebrity chefs
32.           Saving money
33.           Achieving
34.           Winning
35.           Great theatrical performances
36.           Songs from my youth
37.           Found money
38.           Flowers
39.           Sports movies
40.           Giving gifts
41.           Getting gifts
42.           Birthdays
43.           Holidays
44.           Memories
45.           Getting good grades
46.           Successful events
47.           Landing
48.           Taking off
49.           Weddings
50.           Home cooking
51.           New York City
52.           Oscar Night
53.           Getting a real letter
54.           Making a new friend
55.           A cigar
56.           7&7
57.           Going on a date
58.           People who are smarter than I
59.           Being on a team
60.           Good grammar
61.           An outfit I like
62.           Clothes that fit me
63.           Spring
64.           The first snow
65.           Weight loss
66.           Exercise progress
67.           Figuring something out
68.           Having enough
69.           Mustang
70.           Candy
71.           Mt. Dew
72.           Technology
73.           Really getting to know someone
74.           Business
75.           Good debate
76.           Naps
77.           Paying in cash
78.           The Internet
79.           The prospect of time travel
80.           Discovering a new food
81.           Discovering a new author I really like
82.           Good schools
83.           Movie stars
84.           Surprises
85.           Sculpture
86.           Tasty wine
87.           Good beer
88.           Doing things people think I can't.
89.           Movie review shows.
90.           Podcasts.
91.           Facebook
92.           Business
93.           Marketing
94.           Chocolate
95.           Fast food
96.           Hamilton
97.           Massive green lawns
98.           Stand-up comedy
99.           A great speaker
100.        Talent
101.        Women

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