Sunday, September 10, 2017

New Thing 250, New Thing Every Day: Buy 192 Website Domains

Yes, I am a little bit nuts.

When I was doing my three laps around the track at Cosmo Park yesterday, I had kind of a fun business idea that I really think is going to be a relatively easy money maker. So I cashed in my eTrade account (you may remember that I opened it to teach myself how to invest in individual stocks -- I have made about 15% in the last six months or so), found the cheapest place to buy lots of website domains, and got as many as I could. The bottom line is that I am going to try to sell the URLs; maybe I will talk more about the details at a later time.

By the way, here is the thing about my approach to new business -- only invest what you are prepared to lose; start selling as quickly as you can so you can start gathering real data; and keep your startup costs low.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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