Wednesday, September 6, 2017

New Thing 246, New Thing Every Day: Write a Fan-Tweet

It is absolutely true that I have never written a fan letter and I probably never will. Never sent an e-mail. Never tweeted. Nothing. Until tonight. Preparing for tonight's New Thing, I gave it an inordinate amount of thought because it will likely be literally the only fan message I will ever send. Finally, I chose Denzel Washington. Yest, it actually surprised me, but I decided he is a person who has given me a great deal over the course of my life, and he is absolutely somewhere near the top of the list of people I would want to respond to me.

Here is what I tweeted:

@DenzelWN Never fan-tweeted. Loved you since Carbon Copy, when I was 11. Thank you for 35 years of touching heart and mind. God bless.

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