Monday, September 4, 2017

New Thing 244, New Thing Every Day: Start New Podcast How I Built This with Guy Raz

For those who may not know what a podcast is, it is most often an audio broadcast over the Internet, generally listened to over one's phone or iPod, often featuring a long-form interview or some other story format. Yes, there are also video blogs, and there are also other formats, but this is a decent description for the majority.

I listen to a lot of podcasts -- it is most often what I listen to in the car, instead of the radio, and when I am getting ready in the morning. My friend Anne Churchill also istens to a lot of podcasts and we were comparing notes the other day; she suggested "How I Built This with Guy Raz" and I am so glad she did. So far, I have listened to the first one, about the creation of Instagram, and it was fun and informative. There are another 50 episodes about cool companies and their founders, and I am pretty excited about listening to them.

Thanks, Anne!

Here are the other podcasts currently on my iPhone.
  • You Must Remember This -- the golden age of Hollywood
  • The Pitch -- startups pitch investors
  • Startup -- the stories of new companies
  • Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman -- tech and startups, by the founder of LinkedIn
  • Boss Files with Poppy Harlow -- interviews with business leaders, with a particular focus on women
  • The West Wing Weekly -- breakdown of every episode the The West Wing
  • Politico's Nerdcast -- political journalist discussion
  • Slate's Political Gabfest -- political journalist discussion
  • Katie Couric -- general interviews
  • The Axe Files with David Axelrod -- political interviews
  • Here's the Thing with Alec Baldwin -- general interviews
  • NPR Politics -- political journalist discussion
  • Fresh Ar -- the NPR radio show in podcast form
  • This Week in Startups -- Jason Calacanis's podcast about the startup world
  • Industry Standard w/Barry Katz -- interviews with media executives and occasional artists, with probably the most prominent manager of comedians
  • The /Filmcast -- movie reviews
  • WTF with Marc Maron -- interviews with mostly comedians, and occasionally with others; the very first podcast I ever heard

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