Saturday, September 9, 2017

New Thing 249, New Thing Every Day: Do Three Wheelchair Laps Around the Fitness Track at Cosmo Park

My original plan was to work my way up to three laps over the next few weeks, but this morning I decided today should be the day. To make sure I actually did it, I posted on Facebook that I would, leveraging the power of peer pressure and embarrassment.

Here are some observations and thoughts .
  1. It took just 100 minutes to do the three laps, so my average was about 33 minutes per lap. This was an improvement over the 40 minutes per lap it was taking me to do two.
  2. My goal is to get it to three laps at 20 minutes each; I figure that will take me three to six months to achieve.
  3. Tom Trabue was walking the track and is looking great!
  4. A young woman was jogging in the opposite direction and she kept giving me high fives to encourage me. That was nice of her.
  5. Over the course of the trip, I had three very cool new business ideas. I bet I try at least two of them at some point.
  6. Along with the business ideas, I also thought of several new #HappierEveryDay entries.
  7. Now I can focus on other fitness goals and just keep doing my three laps every Saturday and Sunday. I should be in the best shape of my entire life within three to six months.

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